Limited exposure to operating and capital costs with strong cash margins:
All of Triple Flag’s royalties are revenue-based and our stream agreements have low ongoing cash payments, generating strong cash margins
Long-term upside exposure to exploration success, mine life extensions, and operational expansions:
All of Triple Flag’s royalties and streams provide life-of-mine exposure
Further upside potential through underlying development/exploration projects:
Long-term upside exposure is enhanced by our streams and royalties on development-stage projects
Robust and relatively stable free cash flow allows for a sustainable dividend policy and funding of new investments:
Strong cash margins and limited exposure to operating and capital costs of underlying mines results in more predictable free cash flow
Greater diversification compared to mining companies:
Enhanced diversification by mine, jurisdiction, and operator reduces risk
Committed to pure play streaming and royalty model:
For all of the benefits stated above, our strategy is focused on sticking to the proven model and does not include making standalone equity investments in mining assets or companies