Triple Flag sees climate change as a global imperative and we are strong supporters of decarbonization and the global transition to a low-carbon economy. Triple Flag has chosen not to invest in oil & gas or coal.
To demonstrate this commitment, Triple Flag has achieved carbon neutrality since our inception in 2016. We achieve carbon neutrality by offsetting all our direct and indirect GHG emissions, which include all Scope 1 and 2, upstream Scope 3, and attributable downstream Scope 3 emissions. We calculate our third-party emissions annually based on disclosures by the mine owners or operators in which we hold stream and royalty interests, as well as third-party data provided by Skarn Associates. To further demonstrate our commitment to transparency and accountability, Triple Flag achieved CarbonNeutral® company certification from Climate Impact Partners, in accordance with The CarbonNeutral Protocol, a leading global framework for carbon neutrality. Since our inception, we have offset our annual carbon footprint through the purchase of accredited, third-party carbon offset credits. We carefully select projects that are located near our investments, align with our community investment focus areas, and make a measurable positive impact to the environment.
We believe we have a role to play in driving our sector in a more transparent and accountable direction for climate change action. Triple Flag is committed to publicly reporting on our Scope 1, 2 and attributable share of Scope 3 GHG emissions, beginning with our inaugural Sustainability Report that was published in September 2021. We will continue to elaborate on our climate change strategy to guide and target our efforts to support decarbonization and lead by example.
Wind turbines in the foreground and stretching to the horizon
A wind turbine visible behind a hill covered in livestock
A woman shows her child how to prepare the combustion chamber of their Bondhu Chula stove for cooking
A young woman cooks on her Bondhu Chula cookstove, with the smoke removed from her home by the chimney